Esma Çakır and the Process of Fighting Sigmoid Colon Cancer
Symptoms and First Application:
When Esma Çakır applied to our clinic, she had complaints such as rectal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, weakness, abdominal swelling, anemia, nausea and vomiting.
These symptoms indicated that there could be a serious problem with the digestive system. Especially rectal bleeding and anemia suggested a possible tumor in the intestines. Based on Esma Hanım's current complaints, it was decided to conduct more detailed tests.
Diagnostic Process and Tests Performed:
Ms. Esma underwent PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography) scans for a comprehensive examination. As a result of these scans, a tumor was detected in the sigmoid colon region, that is, the last part of the large intestine.
The size and location of the tumor confirmed the diagnosis of cancer. Although this was a great source of concern for Esma and her family, the treatment process was planned quickly with the advantage of early diagnosis.
Applied Treatment Method:
After evaluating Esma Hanım's condition, it was decided that the most appropriate treatment method would be laparoscopic sigmoid colon low anterior resection surgery. The laparoscopic method is a minimally invasive surgical technique, performed with small incisions instead of large ones.
With this method, the tumor area in the sigmoid colon was successfully removed. This type of surgical intervention allows for complete removal of the tumor and accelerates the patient's recovery process.
Fear of Surgery and Trust:
Like many patients, Ms. Esma experienced fear of surgery, fear of chemotherapy, and anxiety about not responding to treatment. The uncertainty that comes with a cancer diagnosis and the difficulties of the treatment process caused Ms. Esma to become psychologically worn out.
However, the experience and friendly approach of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Ünver and his team helped Ms. Esma overcome all these fears. With her trust in her doctor and the support of her circle, she took a courageous step into the surgery process.
Post-Operative and Recovery Process:
Esma's post-operative recovery was much faster and more successful than expected. The day after the surgery, she stood up, started walking and eating.
This rapid recovery was a great source of morale for both Ms. Esma and her family. Discharged on the fifth day after surgery, Ms. Esma returned home in good health and was reunited with her loved ones.
Control and Happy Moments:
In the control examination performed on the 15th day of the surgery, it was seen that Esma Hanım was rapidly regaining her health and that her general condition was very good. In the photographs of this control, the smile on Esma Hanım's face, posing happily with her daughter, husband, grandchild and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Ünver, was the best indicator of health and success. For Esma Hanım and her family, these moments were the symbol of a great victory at the end of the treatment process.
Esma Çakır's story is a hopeful success story that shows that cancer can be defeated with early diagnosis and correct treatment methods. Esma Hanım's rapid recovery process is an encouraging example for many patients and their relatives who are struggling with cancer.
Such success stories are a glimmer of hope for everyone who is experiencing similar health issues. For all patients and their relatives struggling with health issues, Esma Hanım's story is presented as an inspiring gift.

Sigmoid Colon Low Anterior (Rectum) Resection Surgery
Esma Çakır ve Sigmoid Kolon Kanseriyle Mücadele Süreci
Esma Çakır, kliniğimize makatta kanama, şiddetli karın ağrısı, halsizlik, kansızlık, mide bulantısı ve kusma gibi ciddi şikayetlerle başvurdu. Yapılan PET-CT taramaları sonucunda sigmoid kolon bölgesinde bir tümör tespit edildi. Bu teşhis, Esma Hanım ve ailesinde büyük endişe yarattı, ancak erken teşhis sayesinde tedavi süreci hızla başlatıldı.
Esma Hanım için laparoskopik sigmoid kolon low anterior rezeksiyon ameliyatı uygulandı. Bu minimal invaziv yöntemle tümör başarıyla çıkarıldı. Ameliyat sonrası iyileşme süreci beklentilerin ötesinde hızlı geçti; Esma Hanım ertesi gün yürümeye başladı ve beşinci gün taburcu oldu.
Ameliyat sonrası yapılan kontrollerde sağlığına tamamen kavuştuğu görülen Esma Hanım, ailesiyle birlikte mutluluk dolu anlar yaşadı. Bu süreç, erken teşhisin ve doğru tedavi yöntemlerinin kanserle mücadelede ne kadar önemli olduğunu bir kez daha gösterdi.
Esma Hanım’ın hızlı iyileşme hikayesi, benzer durumda olan hastalara cesaret verici bir örnek oldu.