Patient Information:
Where He Lives
Reason for Application
Rectal bleeding, anemia, weakness, weight loss, abdominal pain and constipation
Initiation of Complaints and Initial Application
The patient, who lives in Manisa, had been experiencing rectal bleeding, anemia, fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain and constipation for some time. As these complaints increased, the patient applied to a gastroenterologist in Manisa upon the recommendation of his uncle. As a result of the examination and evaluations, the doctor recommended a detailed examination with a colonoscopy.
Diagnosis and Initial Examinations
During the colonoscopy, a biopsy was taken from the patient and the pathological examination revealed that the patient had Rectum Cancer (Rectum Ca). Upon this, the doctor referred the patient to a PET-CT scan for further examination and treatment planning. According to the PET-CT results, no distant organ metastasis was detected and it was determined that there was no other cancer focus outside the rectum.
Searching for a Reliable Center
Having previously suffered from pulmonary embolism and heart disease, the patient began looking for a reliable healthcare center due to such serious illnesses. Since these past health problems increased the risks that could be encountered during and after the surgery, he was very meticulous about the center where he would be treated.
Treatment and Surgery Process
Our patient contacted us and applied to our center after the necessary research. After detailed evaluations, it was decided that the patient would undergo Low Anterior Resection surgery. This surgical procedure was performed to remove a portion of the rectum and surrounding cancerous tissue. The surgery was completed successfully and the patient was discharged on the 5th day.
Post-Operative and Follow-up Process
The postoperative process was quite positive. On the 10th day after being discharged, the patient came to our clinic for a check-up, driving his car alone.
This shows how successful the patient's recovery process was and how quickly he returned to his daily life. The general condition of the patient was good in the postoperative period and no complications or additional treatment was required.
This case once again reveals the importance of early diagnosis and timely intervention.
Meticulous planning and surgical intervention, taking into account the patient's past health problems such as pulmonary embolism and heart disease, allowed the patient to regain his health in a short time.
Comments from Those Who Had Rectal Cancer Surgery - True Story!
Rektum Kanseri Ameliyatı Olanların Yorumları: Manisa’dan Bir Başarı Hikayesi
Hastamız, makattan kanama, kansızlık, kilo kaybı ve karın ağrısı gibi şikayetlerle bir gastroenteroloji uzmanına başvurdu. Yapılan kolonoskopi ve biyopsi sonucunda rektum kanseri tanısı aldı. PET-CT taramaları, hastalığın başka organlara yayılmadığını gösterdi.
Geçmişte pulmoner emboli ve kalp rahatsızlığı gibi sağlık sorunları geçiren hastamız, güvenilir bir sağlık merkezi arayışına girerek bizimle iletişime geçti. Yapılan Low Anterior Rezeksiyon ameliyatı başarılı bir şekilde gerçekleştirildi ve hasta, 5. gün taburcu edildi. Ameliyat sonrası süreç sorunsuz geçti ve hasta 10. günde tek başına kliniğe kontrole geldi.